Sunday, November 29, 2009

Short Jokes

जज: तो तुमने मिस्टर खन्ना पर जानलेवा हमला किया!
मित्तल: कौन साला यह कहता है?
जज: तुमने मुझे साला कहके कोर्ट का अपमान किया है!
मित्तल: सर मैंने आपको साला नहीं कहा! मैंने तो कहा कि, "कौन सा ला यह कहता है?"


मालिक मैनेजर से: आपकी ब्रांच के अधिकतर कर्मचारी आफिस में लेट आते हैं और पहले चले जाते हैं?
मैनेजर: सर वो एक दिन में दो बार लेट होना नहीं चाहते!


रोगी: डाक्टर साहब मेरा दिल घबरा रहा है! यह मेरा पहला आपरेशन है!
डाक्टर: मैं तुम्हारी हालत अच्छी तरह समझता हूँ! मेरा भी पहला आपरेशन है!


एक आदमी मैनेजर से: मैं रमेश का दादा हूँ! क्या मैं उससे मिल सकता हूँ!
मैनेजर: माफ़ करना आप थोड़ा लेट हो गये हैं! वह आपकी क्रिमेशन के लिये छुट्टी लेकर गया है !


एक मुर्गा मुर्गी के पीछे भाग रहा था कि अचानक मुर्गी कार के नीचे आ गई और मर गयी!
मुर्गा बोला: बेचारी ने जान दे दी मगर इज्ज़त बचा ली!


कर्नल: तुमने मुझे नदी में डूबने से बचाया है यह कल मैं सुबह की परेड में सबको बताऊंगा!
फौजी: ऐसा मत कीजिये! अगर दूसरे फौजियों को पता चल गया तो वो मुझे नदी में फैंक देंगे!


घायल: डाक्टर साहब मेरी मरहम पट्टी पर कितना खर्चा आयेगा?
डाक्टर: 500 रूपये!
घायल: 500 रूपये? इससे अच्छा तो मैं अपनी पत्नी को ही 200 रूपये दे देता!


जज: आर्डर आर्डर! अब अगर कोई बोला तो मैं उसे कोर्ट से बाहर निकाल दूंगा!
मुजरिम: सर मुझे भी?


डाक्टर: अरे तुमने इतनी पट्टियां क्यों बांधी हैं?
मरीज: यह आपकी दी हुई ताकत की गोलियों का असर है! गलती से वो गोलियां मेरी पत्नी ने खा ली!


जज: तुमने एक हफ्ते में आठ चोरियां की?
चोर: हां जी! मैं मेहनत से जी नहीं चुराता!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Non Veg Jokes 3

प्रेमी: तेरी आँखों में डूब जाऊ, तेरी जुल्फों में खो जाऊ, तेरे झुमके पर झूल जाऊ!
प्रेमिका: नीचे भी उतरेगा कि किसी और को बुलाऊं!


प्रेमिका: अगर तुम मेरे होंठ चूमने की कोशिश करोगे तो मैं चिल्ला पडूँगी!
प्रेमी: कैसे चिल्लाओगी? तुम्हारे होंठ तो मेरे होंठों में होंगें!


प्रेमिका: मुझे अंधेरे से बहुत डर लगता है!
प्रेमी: डरती क्यों हो? मैं तुम्हारे साथ ही हूँ?
प्रेमिका: इसलिए तो डर लग रहा है!


एक सूनसान जगह पर गाड़ी रोक कर प्रेमी प्रेमिका से!
प्रेमी: अगर मैं अब तुम्हारे साथ मुंह काला करने लगूं! तो तुम सहायता के लिये शोर तो नहीं करोगी?
प्रेमिका: अगर तुम मुंह काला न कर सके! तो तुम्हारा मुंह काला करने के लिये जरुर शोर करुँगी!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Non Veg Jokes 3

प्रेमिका: यह गलत है!
प्रेमी: पर मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ! और जल्दी ही हम शादी करने वाले है!
प्रेमिका: पर यह गलत है!
प्रेमी: कुछ गलत नहीं है!
प्रेमिका: आप जैसे डाल रहे है वोह गलत है!


प्रेमिका: प्रेमी से मुझसे प्यार करो!
प्रेमी: मैं कुवारी लड़कियों से प्यार नहीं करता!
प्रेमिका: क्यों?
प्रेमी: मुझे खून-खराबा और शोर-शराबा पसंद नहीं है!


प्रेमिका: और अंदर, थोड़ा ऊपर, थोड़ा लेफ्ट, और लेफ्ट!
प्रेमी: तुम प्यार कर रही हो या गाड़ी पार्क करा रही हो!


प्रेमी: उसकी लम्बाई 6 इंच है! उसको हाथ में पकड़ते ही उत्तेजना होती है! बताओ वह क्या है?
प्रेमिका: हटो, बेशर्म कही के!
प्रेमी: मैडम मैं 500 रुपये की बात कर रहा हूँ!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Love SMS 3

प्रेमी: अपनी प्रेमिका के लिये फूल लेकर आया!
प्रेमिका: मुझे यह फूल नहीं कोई सोने की चीज चाहिए!
प्रेमी: यह लो तकिया और सो जाओ!


प्रेमिका: आपको मुझमे क्या अच्छा लगता है मेरी समझदारी या मेरी सुन्दरता?
प्रेमी: मुझे तो यह तुम्हारी मजाक करने की आदत बहुत अच्छी लगती है!


प्रेमी ने प्रेमिका को फूल उपहार में दिया तो प्रेमिका ने उसे चूम लिया! प्रेमी कमरे से बाहर जाने लगा तो!
प्रेमिका: क्या बात है तुम नाराज़ हो गए?
प्रेमी: नहीं मैं और फूल लेने जा रहा हूँ!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Non Veg Jokes 2

एक दिन बंता और उसकी पत्नी होटल में खाना खा रहे थे! और सामने संता बैठा हुआ था!
बंता की पत्नी ने बंता को मुर्गी की टांग उठा कर दी!
यह देख कर संता एक दम से बोल पड़ा: अगर मेरी शादी हुई होती तो मेरी भी पत्नी मुझे टांगें उठा उठा कर देती!


संता अपनी सुहागरात की आधी रात में ही पसीने पसीने होकर कमरे से बाहर निकलता है!
बंता: क्या हुआ?
संता: यार यह अकेले बन्दे का काम नहीं है!


बंता संता को एक दावत में ले गया!
संता अपनी पत्नी से फ़ोन पर: प्रिय दावत में लड़कियां अपने कपड़े उतार रही है! तुम बताओ मैं क्या करु?
जीतो: तुम फ़टाफ़ट घर आ जाओ! घर आके कपडे उतारना!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

SMS Jokes 3

बंता: आपका शादी के बारे में क्या बिचार हैं?
संता: आदमी रात के लिये अपनी जिंदगी के सारे दिन ख़राब कर लेता है!


संता: एक आदमी की 6 उंगलिया थी! सब लोग उसे राधे श्याम कहते थे, बताओ क्यों?
बंता: पता नहीं!
संता: क्योंकी उसका नाम राधे श्याम था!


बंता: भाई साहब पूछताछ कार्यालय किधर है? संता: इन्क्वारी आफिस से पूछ लीजिये!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Love SMS 2

प्रेमी: मैं उस लड़की से शादी करूंगा जो बढ़िया खाना बनाना जानती हो, घर को साफ़ सुथरा रखे और उसे सादगी पसंद हो!
प्रेमिका: मेरे घर आना यह सभी गुण हमारी नौकरानी में है!


प्रेमिका: मैं तो मानती हूँ कि शादी एक लॉटरी है?
प्रेमी: पर मैं यह नहीं मानता!
प्रेमिका: क्यों?
प्रेमी: क्योंकि लॉटरी में दोबारा किस्मत आजमाने का मौका मिलता है!


प्रेमिका: यह पकवान मैंने अपनी पाक कला की पुस्तक "स्वादिष्ट पकवान" में से निकाला था!
प्रेमी: अच्छा किया! यह उस पुस्तक में रहने के काबिल था भी नहीं!


प्रेमिका: तुम तो बस काम में लगे रहते हो! मेरी तो परवाह ही नहीं करते!
प्रेमी: एक बात तुम गोर से सुन लो! प्यार करने बाले किसी की परवाह नहीं करते!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

SMS Jokes 2

बंता: मैंने टाइटैनिक फिल्म पांच बार देखी है!
संता: मुझे तो एक ही बार में समझ आ गई थी!


संता: शेर का पिंजरा खुला रह जाए तो क्या हो सकता है?
बंता: शेर चोरी हो सकता है!


संता: इमारत से ऊँचा कौन कूद सकता है?
बंता: पता नहीं!
संता: सभी इमारत से ऊँचा कूद सकते है क्योंकि इमारत तो एक ईंच भी कूद नहीं सकती!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Love Jokes 1

प्रेमिका: मुहब्बत के मारे को आत्महत्या से बचने का एक मात्र तरीका शादी है!
प्रेमी: शादी से बचने का एकमात्र तरीका आत्महत्या है!


प्रेमिका: मेरी माँ भी तुम्हें बहुत पसंद करती हैं!
प्रेमी: तुम फ़िक्र मत करो मैं शादी सिर्फ तुमसे ही करूँगा!


प्रेमी: जब मैं पैदा हुआ था तब मिलिट्री वालो ने 21 तोपें चलाई थी!
प्रेमिका: कमाल है सबका निशाना चूक गया!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

SMS Jokes 1

बंता: सर्कस देखने चलें?
संता: नहीं मुझे थोड़ा काम है!
बंता: सर्कस में एक नंगी लड़की शेर की सवारी करती है!
संता: चलो चलते है बड़े दिनों से शेर नहीं देखा!


संता: मेरे पड़ोसी का बच्चा गुम हो गया!
बंता: फिर तुमने क्या किया?
संता: मैंने उन्हें कहा कि गूगल में सर्च कर लो!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Non-Veg Jokes 1

बंता: लड़कियों के यूरिन में लड़को के यूरिन से ज्यादा बदबू क्यों आती है!
संता: क्योंकि लड़कियों में लड़को की तरहा नीचे दो फिनायल की गोलियां नहीं होती!


बंता: संता बता सकते हो सबसे अच्छी मेडीसिन कौन सी है?
संता: बियाग्रा!
बंता: वो कैसे?
संता: क्योंकि उसका कोई साइड इफेक्ट नहीं है सिर्फ फ्रंट इफेक्ट है!


संता: गरीबी और मज़बूरी पता है क्या होती है?
बंता: नहीं पता!
संता: गरीबी वह है जब कोई लड़की 50 रुपये में अपना सब कुछ देने को तैयार हो जाये और मज़बूरी वह कि लड़के की जेब में सिर्फ 40 रुपये ही हो!


बंता: नीचे के बालों से ऊपर के बाल जल्दी सफ़ेद क्यों होते हैं!
संता: क्योंकि ऊपर टेंशन ही टेंशन और नीचे मौजां ही मौजां!


संता: दीपा मेहता ने एक फिल्म लेस्बिंस पर बनाई नाम रखा फायर अब वो गे के ऊपर फिल्म बना रही है सोचो उसका नाम क्या होगा?
बंता: पता नहीं!
संता: बैकफायर!

SMS Jokes

संता: एक लड़की सड़क में अकेली जा रही थी! सामने से मैं आ रहा था जब हम दोनों एक दूसरे के सामने पहुंचे तो मैंने लड़की को रास्ता दे दिया!
बंता: सारे तुम्हारे जैसे बेब्कुफ़ नहीं होते!


संता: मैंने सब्जी वाले से प्याज का रेट पूछा तो वो बोला पहले पांच रूपये दो फिर बताऊंगा!
बंता: अच्छा फिर क्या हुआ?
संता: पहले पांच रूपये दो फिर बताऊंगा!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Some SMS Jokes

Teacher: You call your mother as mum. What will you call your mother's younger sister and elder sister?
Santa: So simple, I will call them minimum and maximum.

Jeeto : Are you sure you love me and no one else?
Santa : Dead Sure! I checked the whole list again yesterday!

Father: Your teacher says she finds it impossible to teach you anything!
Son: That's why I say that she's no good!

English Teacher : Do you know the importance of a period?
Kid:" Yeah , once my sister said she has missed one ,my mom fainted, dad got a heart attack and our driver ran away."

Santa: Banta! There's a bomb in my garden!
Banta: Don't worry. If no one claims it within three days, you can keep it.

After finishing MBBS Santa started his practice. He checked first patient`s eyes, tongue and ears with a torch and finally says : Torch is okay.

Santa: Doctor! My son swallowed a key!
Doctor: When?
Santa: Three months ago
Dr: What were you doing till now?
Santa: We were using aduplicate key
Dr: So why did you come today?
Santa: We lost the duplicate key!

Santa: For the past one week a girl is disturbing Me.
Banta: Who ?
Santa: I don't know how she got my number. She interrupts whenever I call someone and says "Please recharge your card."

Exams are like girl friends - Too many questions - Difficult to understand - More explanation is needed - Result is always fail!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

God's Gift to India

God was in the process of creating the universe. And he was explaining his subordinates...

"Look everything should be in balance. For example, after every 10 deers there should be a lion. Look here my fellow angels, here is the country of the United States I have blessed them with prosperity and money. But at the same time I have given them insecurity and tension...

And here is Africa. I have given them beautiful nature. But at the same time, I have given them climatic extremes...

And here is South America. I have given them lots of forests. But at the same time, I have given them lesser land so that they would have to cut off the forests... So you see fellows, everything should be in balance.

One of the angels asked... "God, what is this extremely beautiful country here?" God said....... "Ahah...that is the crown piece of all. "INDIA", my most precious creation. It has understanding and friendly people. Sparkling streams, serene mountains. A culture which speaks of the great tradition that they live. Technologically brilliant and with a heart of gold...

The angel was quite surprised "But god you said everything should be in balance."
God replied - "Look at the neighbours, I gave them."

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Safe Sex

A teenage boy and his grandfather go fishing one day. While fishing, the old man starts talking about how times have changed.

The young man picks up on this and starts talking about the various problems and diseases going around.

Teen says, "Grandpa, they didn't have a whole lot of problems with all these diseases when you were young did they?"

Grandpa replies, "Nope."

Teen says, "Well, what did you guys use for safe sex?"

Grandpa replies, "A wedding ring."

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Three Tough Mouse

Three mice are at a bar, having drinks, talking about how tough they are. The first mouse slams down a shot of booze, says, "Let me tell you how tough I am."

I spot a trap and go for the cheese. When it snaps, I snatch the bar and bench press it 20 or so times and before it can close I'm outa there!" and he tosses down another shot.

The second mouse slams down a shot and says, "You think that's tough?
When I find a pile of d-con, I crush it and snort it like it's cocaine." With that he throws down another shot and slams his shot glass on the bar.

The first two are staring at the third mouse, waiting to see what he has to say for himself.
He fires down a shot of booze, throws down his glass and heads for the door. His buddies look at each other, then at him and say, "Hey, where are YOU going?"

The third mouse says, "I haven't got time for this shit, I need to get home to screw the cat."

Outsourcing the American Presidency to India

Washington, DC -- Congress today announced that the office of President of the United States of America will be outsourced to India as of March 1, 2008. The move is being made in order to save the President's $500,000 yearly salary, and also a record $521 billion in deficit expenditures and related overhead that his office has incurred during the last 5 years. It is anticipated that $231 billion can be saved to the end of the President's term. "We believe this is a wise financial move. The cost savings are huge," stated Congressman Thomas Reynolds (R-WA). "We cannot remain competitive on the world stage with the current level of cash outlay," Reynolds noted.

Mr. Bush was informed by e-mail this morning of his termination. Preparations for the job move have been underway for some time.

Gurvinder Singh of Indus Teleservices, Mumbai , India will assume the office of President as of September 1, 2007. Mr. Singh was born in the United States while his Indian parents were vacationing at Niagara Falls, NY, thus making him eligible for the position. He will receive a salary of $320 (USD) a month, but no health coverage or other benefits.

It is believed that Mr. Singh will be able to handle his job responsibilities without a support staff. Due to the time difference between the US and India, he will be working primarily at night. "Working nights will allow me to keep my day job at the Dell Computer call center," stated Mr. Singh in an exclusive interview. "I am excited about this position. I always hoped I would be President." A Congressional spokesperson noted that while Mr. Singh may not be fully aware of all the issues involved in the office of President, this should not be a problem as President Bush had never been familiar with the issues either.

Mr. Singh will rely upon a script tree that will enable him to respond effectively to most topics of concern. Using these canned responses, he can address common concerns without having to understand the underlying issue at all. "We know these scripting tools work," stated the spokesperson. "President Bush has used them successfully for years, with the result that some people actually thought he knew what he was talking about."

Bush will receive health coverage, expenses, and salary until his final day of employment. Following a two-week waiting period, he will be eligible for $140 a week unemployment for 26 weeks. Unfortunately he will not be eligible for Medicaid, as his unemployment benefits will exceed the allowed limit.

Mr. Bush has been provided with the outplacement services of Manpower, Inc. to help him write a resume and prepare for his upcoming job transition. According to Manpower, Mr. Bush may have difficulties in securing a new position due to a lack of any successful work experience during his lifetime. A greeter position at Wal-Mart was suggested due to Bush's extensive experience at shaking hands, as well as his special smile.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Medical Trouble

A noted psychiatrist was a guest at a party and his host, Banta, naturally broached the subject in which the doctor was most at ease.

"Would you mind telling me, Doctor," Banta asked "how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal?"

"Nothing is easier," he replied. "You ask him a simple question which everyone should answer with no trouble. If he hesitates, that puts you on the track."

"What sort of question?"

"Well, you might ask him, 'Captain Cook made three trips around the world and died during one of them. Which one?'

Banta thought for a moment, and then said with a nervous laugh, "You wouldn't happen to have another example would you? I must confess I don't know much about history."

Beautiful Models

Santa and Banta were looking at a catalog and admiring the models.

Santa says to the Banta, "Have you seen the beautiful girls in this catalog?"

Banta replies, "Yes, they are very beautiful. And look at the price!"

Santa says, with wide eyes, "Wow, they aren't very expensive. At this price, I'm buying one."

Banta smiles and pats him on the back, "Good idea! Order one and if she's as beautiful as she is in the catalog, I will get one too."

Three weeks later, Banta asks Santa, "Did you ever receive the girl you ordered from the catalog?"

Santa replies, "No, but it shouldn't be long now. I got her clothes yesterday!"

Friday, April 03, 2009

Performance Appraisal

Attention: Human Resources

Joe Smith, my assistant programmer, can always be found

hard at work in his cubicle. Joe works independently, without

wasting company time talking to colleagues. Joe never

thinks twice about assisting fellow employees, and he always

finishes given assignments on time. Often Joe takes extended

measures to complete his work, sometimes skipping

coffee breaks. Joe is an individual who has absolutely no

vanity in spite of his high accomplishments and profound

knowledge in his field. I firmly believe that Joe can be

classed as a high-calibre employee, the type which cannot be

dispensed with. Consequently, I duly recommend that Joe be

promoted to executive management, and a proposal will be

executed as soon as possible.

Project Leader

e-mail two Attention: Human Resources
Joe Smith was reading over my shoulder while I wrote the report sent to you earlier today. Kindly read only the odd numbered lines [1, 3, 5, etc.] for my true assessment of his ability.
Project Leader

Old man guessing Age

An old guy walks into a bar and asks for a bottle of forty-year old Scotch. The bartender, not wanting to give up the good liquor, pours a shot of ten-year Scotch and figures that the guy won't be able to tell the difference. The guy downs the Scotch and says: "This Scotch is only ten years old! I specifically asked for forty-year old Scotch."

Amazed, the bartender reaches into a locked cabinet underneath the bar and pulls out a bottle of twenty-year old Scotch and pours the man a shot. The guy drinks it down and says, "That was twenty-year old Scotch. I asked for forty-year old Scotch."
So the bartender goes into the back room and brings out a bottle of thirty-year old Scotch and pours the guy a drink. By now a small crowd has gathered around the man and is watching anxiously as he downs the latest drink. Once again the guy states the true age of the Scotch and repeats his original request for forty-year old Scotch.
The bartender can hold off no longer and disappears into the cellar to get a bottle of prime forty-year old Scotch. Soon, the bartender returns with the bottle and pours a shot. The guy downs the Scotch and says, "Now this is forty-year old Scotch!" The crowd applauds his discriminating palate.

An old drunk who had been watching the proceedings with interest, raises a full shot glass of his own and says, "Here, take a swig of this."
The guy takes the glass and downs the drink in one swallow. Immediately, he chokes and spits out the liquid on the barroom floor. "My God! That tastes like piss," he yells. "Great guess," says the drunk. "Now, how old am I?"